Monday, October 12, 2015

Mechanicum - A little distraction, if you will...

As a distraction from the enormity that is the Warlord Titan Build, I recently finished off these crazy dudes. The Scylla Guardian-Automata Coven are so incredibly Blanchian that I knew I had to have them as soon as I saw them. It is surprising, therefore that it took me this long to paint them. In order to stop them lingering, I rushed the details a bit, but they still fit in solidly with the rest of my Mechanicum/Adeptus Mechanicus forces. Here's a look at them individually (two views per automata). And yes, they will be a pain in the butt to transport!

I also located the mechadendrites for my Myrmidon Destructors, so these guys are now wrapped up too.

I have a couple of other things to show this week, and hopefully there'll be time to put together a post about the Warlord : )

These bases, as always (for my Mechanicum forces) are from the Tech-Deck range by Dragon Forge.



  1. Nice work. I've completed 4/8 of these guys so far, and I can confirm they are a pain to transport! Take glue with you!!

    1. Thanks, GG. I'm not sure how far I'll ever try to transport them, but will pack glue each time : )

  2. Niiiiiice! Love how those creepy little buggers turned out, but share your concerns about transport. Yikes.

  3. it's funny how only now they can make miniatures which can live up to the Blanchian style. I never appreciated his style as a kid but as an adult I realise just how mind blowing his style is.

    I REALLY like the new sculpts!

    1. I think there has always been an influence there, but perhaps older, less-refined production methods had kept them from reaching their full potential. So many of there recent releases have been fantastic : )

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