Following my three hour stint at the Golden Demon Lounge I new I had to make up for lost time. I grabbed my stack of Dan Abnett books (the hardcovers at least) and raced down to the Black Library signing line. Not only was Dan there, but also his lovely wife Nik, and Gav Thorpe, Nathan Long, C.L. Werner, and Mike Lee! I was able to dash out of the line, buy a copy of The Sabbat Worlds, and get back in line to have Nik sign her story on the compilation and Dan sign "my stack".
After that I didn't have much time but was able to swing by the Jawaballs table again, say "G'Day" to a few old friends, spend far too much at the ForgeWorld stand and then start packing up my Blood Pact army. While doing the last bit I got the chance to talk to Jacob, the winner of the Storm Wardens army, and he is a really great guy! His love for 40K and enthusiasm about the project will, no doubt, see him taking good care of the army for years to come!
Anyway, all that meant I missed the award ceremony for the Golden Demons (they changed up the timing and location for it all, and I hadn't paid any attention to the new schedule), but was able to stand on stage for a brief second along with the other Gold trophy winners and see Todd Swanson awarded his FOURTH Slayer Sword! Boy, did he deserve it. A very beautiful Lictor indeed!
So, thats about it for my Baltimore Games Day experience. If it seems rushed and disjointed, that's because it was : )
I spent the bulk of my time doing what I love to, talking to friends (new and old) and having a great time with toy soldiers. So thank you to all my friends who were there for making it a great day, and congratulations to those who walked away with Golden Demon trophies too (Kyle, Kirill, Jeff, Yuri, Marc, Mathieu, Todd, Zach, Alex, and anyone else I may have missed!)
So here he is, my latest Primarch conversion - Night Haunter, Primarch of the Night Lords.
I hope you like him.