Well, we're finally in the thick of the holiday season. I'm lucky enough to have just over a week off work and once you take out the family commitments and a trip or two to the movies, I should have five days or so to get a ton of hobby stuff done!
I have three commissions to work on, plus my British Peninsular War army (see my first unit in the pic below), plus getting started on my Rapid Assault Force (the one you all chose as my next Blood Pact Project).

So no real time to be mucking around. I will, however, try to take as many pictures as possible as I go through it all.
Anyway, have yourselves a good and safe holiday season. Look after yourself and your loved ones, and don't eat too much!
Oh, and my Christmas present to myself arrived early. I think after Adepticon in March I'll be really getting stuck into getting him painted up as one of the Reavers from Legio Invicta (from Titanicus by Dan Abnett). : )