Those of you who follow this blog closely will know that I usually don't have "guest posts" on my blog, primarily because I'm too busy/lazy to coordinate them. This time, however, this post dropped into my lap, all ready and job done! I'd like to thank Ron for encapsulating many of the things that I've come to realize over the last year or so. Without further ado, here's Ron's post on charitable actions.THREE REASONS WHY CHARITY WORK IS IMPORTANT by Ron Saikowski (of
From The Warp fame)
Why get involved with charity work when it comes to your hobby?
That's a good question. There are lots of people who don't... and there are lot's of folks who do. But what makes those people who do get involved do it?
1. It makes a difference in others lives.
A while ago, maybe a month or so, I had the opportunity to help out with a local charity, Battle for the Cure. It was to be an auction to raise money to help someone get through cancer.
I had this Blood Angel mini on my desk for a while, I just didn't know what to do with him. Once this opportunity came along, I knew he'd be the perfect fit for the auction.
I never met the person, I have no idea how much money I was able to help raise and I didn't benefit from it myself, but... I know I made an impact in that person's life. Whether it was a few dollars or a few hundred, every little bit helps.
Being able to donate this mini and help raise money for the fight against cancer made a difference in their life. And that's plenty for me.
2. You do things you might not otherwise get to do.
If you follow my work recently, you've no doubt seen this guy. I did this one to help out a fellow hobbyist with a promotion.
I deliberately withdrew my name from the chance at winning as this model was done simply to help get the word out and give myself the chance to try something new.
If I hadn't done this model, I would have never painted a Howling Griffon. Let's be honest here, when am I going to fit that into my schedule? But by getting involved and helping out, I was able to push my painting and weathering skills into areas I hadn't quite been before.
3. It can make you feel good.
The Storm Wardens project. I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am to have been a part of that project.
Knowing that I was able to help raise the money we did to help Doctors Without Borders is an amazing feeling.
This project was huge and while my part might have been small, it was important nonetheless and I poured my heart and soul into it. Others were relying on me to come through with my portion.
Being able to be part of something bigger that has a positive impact on others can put things in perspective in your life. I am very proud to have helped out with this project. In fact more than one person made out in this one, we gave a ton of money to a great cause and a ton of minis to a great winner.
So what can you do right now?Get involved with the Heroes of Armageddon Project. That's right. The same guys who created the Storm Wardens Project last year are back at it again. And I'm in on it too. In fact, tons of people are.
This thing is going to be huge. It's going to dwarf the Storm Wardens when it's all said and done. So how do you get involved? Easy. There are a two main ways.
1. Contribute. That's right. We're looking to raise money for Doctors Without Borders again and want this one to be off the charts. Each dollar you contribute gets you a chance at winning a number of prizes. Everything you want to know about the project is in one place...
Heroes of Armageddon2. Spread the word about the project.
You can fly the banner for the next few months and tell everyone you know.
All the information for getting the banner for your sidebar and the links you'll need can be found
right here.As for me, I have a small part in this one too. You didn't think I'd let an opportunity like this slip by did you? I'm still getting all my pieces together, but I plan on doing something even better this time around.
Charity work and plain old helping people out is the right thing to do. It doesn't matter what side you're on either. We've all been in both places... there were times when we all needed just a little bit of help and we've all be able to help someone out before. Get involved. Help us help others.

Guest Post by Ron,
From the WarpIf you have any questions on something in this post, leave a comment and I'll be glad to answer!
Thanks goes to Dave for letting me share this post.