Earlier in the week I mentioned that I'd picked up some of the new GW Minotaurs. Some of you like them, and some of you don't. That's just fine, each to his own.
After assembling and painting three of these beasts I can say I like them. Could GW have done a few things differently? Sure, but I feel there are plenty of great things about them (not the least of which are the awesome heads), and the flaws can be handled with a minimum of converting.
Anyway, here they are.

I entered them in the Minotaur Painting Competition each US Hobby Center was running (Horns and Hooves was the title, I think). Unfortunately due to the crazy snow in Baltimore, I was the only guy to brave the elements and get my ass to GW Yorkridge early enough in the week to snag a box and get them painted. Yes folks, I won, but it was by default. Some competition would've been nice, but it just wasn't the case. Oh well, a free Doombull isn't to be scoffed at.
Well, here are a few more shots of the first unit in my new Beastmen army that I'll be blogging about over the coming year. Next up for these guys, either Centigors converted from Marauder Horses and Gors, or a Jabberslythe from a wild Dragon/Mawlock combo.
I like how you painted them as they don't seem as overdefined in the muscle sence as say the ones eavy metal did. Good job dave, I look forward to seeing more of them.
ReplyDeleteI was going to say EXACTLY what Rogue Valley, above, said. I think the minis are a little over defined sculpt-wise and GW's paint job only accentuates that, where yours makes it look a little more reasonable. Way to go!
ReplyDeleteI haven't painted mine yet but I love the new Minotaur models. I think that you did a great job and they look amazing. I agree with you the heads on these new models are excellent!
ReplyDeleteFor my - these new models looks more like rat ogres with horns and axes than minos - got friends with more hair on chests than these plastics ;] My guess is that GW wants to sell more green stuff (for making minos mor hairy) ;p
ReplyDeleteLovely work on the beastmen. How did you paint the skin?
ReplyDeleteAwesome work. Beastmen in thongs is disturbing lol but great work
ReplyDeleteThanks guys.
ReplyDelete@jmezz, they aren't wearing thongs ; )
@dave, Basecoat of Charadon Granite, built up by adding in more and more Dwarf Flesh. I stopped just before the pure Dwarf Flesh stage. The temptation to add in more highlights is definitely there, but by stopping at that point I was able to keep a fairly smallrange of tome and let the actual sculpt do a lot of the shdaing.
They look like they get cold at night, I bet they miss that fur coat, what GW give into PETA?
ReplyDeleteYour paint job sure does save the day. I've not had a chance to check the army book maybe I'll flip threw it and see how many I can field.
@ BigJon - They're pricey (starting at 55 points a pop), but John Shaffer assures me they wreck house, particularly when accompanied by a 335 point, kitted-out Doombull ; )
ReplyDeleteI dig 'em Dave! Your paint scheme is definitely better than that of the studio. 8p
ReplyDeleteI was wondering, the axes look like you used the badab black wash over boltgun. How many washes do you do before you hit the edges with the mithril?
Am i correct on the paints used? I use something similar, but didn't get quite the desired effect on my warmachine test model.
~ West Coast Dan
Hi Dan
ReplyDeleteI used pretty much the same method as for my Blood Pact armor.
Heavy Drybrush of Tin Bitz, lighter drybrush of Boltgun Metal, wash of Devlan Mud, wash of Badab Black. The Devlan Mud wash helps bring out the browns of the Tin Bitz and the Badab Black wash ties it all together.
Very nice paint job but I'm afraid my suspicions about those minotaur minis have been confirmed by the pic of their backs. I love the front of the models but the backs are just too muscle bound for my liking.
ReplyDeleteDo you think they could be painted in some way to obscure their muscles a bit or are they too prominent to "cover up" ?
Very nice blog, thanks for sharing.
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Dave, did you use any washes on the skin?