Thursday, June 18, 2015

Geek Nation Tours - Battlefields of Waterloo 2015 tour!

Well, if I haven't told you about it before, I can tell you about it now....

I'm currently enjoying the awesomeness that is the Geek Nation Tours - Battlefields of Waterloo tour (celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the battle today, actually). We've done soooooo much in the last three days that I'm struggling to keep up. We've visited many important campaign sites, including Ligny, Quatre Bras, Genappe, Le Caillou, La Haye Sainte, the Allied line, Papelotte, and Plancenoit. We've also visited a few other sites not connected directly to the campaign, such as the Cantillon Brewery, the Lion's Mound, the Panorama, and the brand new Waterloo 2015 museum.

Additionally, I presented two painting classes on Tuesday, thanks to support from Warlord Games and The Army Painter!

So, it has been a lot of fun, with a few more days to go. I just hope I can keep up with it all!


PS. I'll be putting together a full report on the tour for Wargames Illustrated once I return stateside : )


  1. Hey Dave, hope you enjoy my country ! I would have been so pleased to have a painting lesson with you...

    Don't forget to tatse our marvellous "french" fries (that are in fact a belgian speciality), we brew some of the best beer in the world you can't leave without drinking a bunch of them !

  2. Sounds like a GREAT Tour. Enjoy yourself.


  3. Hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I did at Waterloo. The whole experience was incredible and the battle reenactments were fabulous.
