Monday, October 28, 2013

The Flight - Part Three

This week I hope to bring you a few more photos of my work in progress for "The Flight". You can check out the first two parts of this ongoing project here and here.

Here's my completed build for Urgo-Wrath, the brute of the warband. His initial form is that of the Warhammer plastic Nurgle Lord model. I trimmed back a lot of the "bloat" and puttied in a lot of the decayed sections. I rebuilt the front of his torso to give him a more muscular look, but I went for an unrefined, slab-muscled look.

His rotor cannon is from the Space Wolves Wolf Guard Terminators kit, and the backpack (loaded with incredible amounts of ammunition) is from the Space Marines Devastator kit (it's a heavy bolter back pack). Initially I was hoping to be able to use the original ammo feed from the HB, but things just didn't line up. So, building it was the only way. Hopefully the new ammo feed will paint up crisply.

Anyway, feel free to let me know what you think of this guy. There isn't too much wiggle room, but there might be some detailing I could include.



  1. Looking good, almost there I'd say. Perhaps the right arm above the elbow needs the same bulk and ragged holes as the left? and a couple of studs on the straps at the right breast? Otherwise looking great!

    1. Thanks Matthew. I didn't want to add any damage to his right side to suggest all incoming fire hits his left, but I'll get a few studs on the harness.

  2. Nice one!

    But I am not sure about the wolf symbol on the assault cannon. It looks to Space Wolves to me.
    Obviously it depends on how it will be painted ;)

    1. Thanks mate. Do you think I should replace the wolf head with an eagle head? I could leave the flaring bits at the back and paint them as though they were eagle wings?

    2. The eagle head would be a nice change, and might be more "Inquisitorial" as well.

    3. Yes, I think that would be definitely better! :)

  3. Nice work Dave. I suggest reworking the pteruges a bit as they seem to be hanging a bit strangely (too stiff and the spacing seems off)

    1. I think I might need to make them a bit thinner to get a better "hang" to them. Thanks.

  4. Love it! Really looking forward to watching this diorama come together - great work, man!

  5. It's a very cool conversion, and the Nurgle Lord model lends itself very well to stuff like this. The one thing I am not fond of is the head, as it thoroughly lacks personality -- yeah, this guy is just a vat grown hunk of meat, but it seems like he needs a face, even if it's not a pretty one. What about using a (Chaos) Space Marine rebreather head or, alternately, a slightly altered the head I used on this similar conversion a while ago:

    In any case, looking forward to seeing more progress on this project!

    1. Thanks KS. I must admit that while this head doesn't obviously exude personality, I think it has given me a springboard idea to now have the eyes all of the henchmen obscured in some way. Either behind leather straps, milky cataracts, night-vision lenses, or darkened visors, it will only be my Inquisitor that "sees the world as it truly is".

      If I can pul it all off, that is.

  6. Hi Dave. I really should visit more often. The Mechanicus stuff you have been doing really is fantastic.

    But Inquisition really is my bag...

    The diorama idea sounds brilliant and the short story is a great touch. I hope you persuade Mr Reynolds to turn it into a novel (we can never have too many BL Inquisition books Anthony).

    Urgo-Wrath is a great use of the Nurglitch Lord and as KS says it really does excels itself used as an Inquisition brute. I think a couple of purity seals on the front half of the model would give it slightly more pop and make him feel more "real" If you have purity seals you'd want to be able to see them (blindfold notwithstanding)...I spy space on the front half of the shoulder pad. I am also in the eagle head camp rather than the wolf head.

    Really looking forward to enjoying this project through to completion.


    1. Happy to have you on board for this one PDH : )

      I've switched the wolf head for an eagle head, now I just need to blend in the wings. The peturges have been removed and I'm thinking of replacing them with a plated tabard.

      As for purity seals "up front", I'm thinking that any seals that faced the enemy would soon find themselves shot up or burned off. I might hold off until he's painted to see if I need more.


  7. Hi Dave. Love it. Even the wolf's head. In my humble opinion, the retinues have access to custom equipment and it could be completely feasible for the brute to be inclined toward a "beefy" wolf's head vice a "dainty" eagle's head.

    As for different things, my recommendations would be alter the blindfold into something akin to welding goggles. And depending on the idea you have of this guy, maybe a mohawk or a beefy mustache thinking big biker dude named Tiny....

    1. Hi Rich, thanks for your comments. I've already switched up the wolf head/eagle head thing, but I appreciate your "there's an individualization in Inquisitor henchmen that would certainly allow it" mantra. I'll be keeping it in mind for the remaining models.

  8. You start this project and shortly thereafter Codex:Inquisition is announced. I sense a dark conspiracy here!

  9. Nope, no connection at all. Actually I started thinking about this project in July last year, so I can't even claim insider knowledge ; )

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