Saturday, August 6, 2011

"Pious Glory"

I thought it was about time you got to see the mighty Landship "Pious Glory". I finished it all off on the Thursday before Games Day with the banner proclaiming the ship's name (thanks to commenter Jason).

Anyway, feel free to ask any questions about her construction or painting in the comments below : )



  1. Amazing. Did you paint all the crew separately and then glue them in?

  2. I saw your stuff on the GW page. Outstanding work Dave. Even more proof of why you are the benchmark of good painting online. Any tips on how you write the letters on the banner? Every time I try it, it comes out a blocky mess

  3. Beautiful work as always. Do you have a final over all shot of the display with this on it?

  4. there's no way I can critisize your paintjob because once again you have done a fantastic job. You have the kind of standard us mortal can only dream of.

    However, the model.....well I guess it's personal but I really really don't like it. It look funny out of proportion and just plain silly.

    I saw the other armies that were on display and wow. The overall standard was really high. The two lizardman boards were painted nicely too but so creative with the board itself. I think that's the only thing that you dropped points on.


  5. Amazing work Dave! You always seem to be able to one up yourself all the time.

  6. Where does the monkey come from?

  7. Looks great.

    And I am honored that you chose one of my name suggestions.

    I had to brag about it at my blog. Hope that's ok:

  8. Hi guys

    Thanks for your comments! : )

    @Tylermenz - yep, all painted separately and glued in at the end.
    @Sean - I'll try to put together a tutorial on that in the next week or so.
    @Brien - not yet, but I'll try to shoot one this week, my board just arrived back from Chicago.
    @Warpaintguy - I think you may have something there re: the board. I must admit I went simple so that the army would stand out and could do all the talking. I guess the crowd doesn't like subtle ; )
    @Marneus - from the Empire Handgunners sprue
    @Jason - thank you for the name and support.


  9. Excellent Job again Dave.

  10. Pious Glory is a stunning piece. The level of craftsmanship is exceptional. db mall gwalior

  11. I thought it was about time you got to see the mighty Landship "Pious Glory". I finished it all off on the Thursday before Games Day with the banner proclaiming the ship's name (thanks to commenter Jason).
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