Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Talk about busy!

So I've managed to burn the candle at both ends getting stuff ready for the Battlefoam Wild West Shootout Indy GT this weekend! I'm flying out on Friday evening, so I figure I can sleep on the plane. No more posts until after the show. I just have too much to finish off.

Anyway, on to the five key points of tonight's post:

1) The AT-70 Reavers. After seeing the tank built by Rabidchild on his blog (Pick a Damn Army, new to my blog roll) I decided to run with a smaller turret than my Ragnarok turret. Here are the two tanks as they stand right now.

For maximum transportability and flexibility, I magnetized the lascannon, the cupola hatch, and the battlecannon. In the future I'll build out some different guns for the turret, and different hatches as well.

2) The Usurpers. There was a good reaction to my Usurpers, so I thought I'd show you the painted pieces! I've gone with the same color scheme I used on my Valdor and Malcador, Dark Flesh with Khemri Brown/Bleached Bone icons.

After seeing the M7 Priest model from the Flames of War range I saw that the shells were placed vertically in cases on either side of the rear of the crew compartment. On my Usurpers I had to turn them around and lay the shells horizontally. In the picture below you can see the rear of four shells nestled in their storage, just ready to rain death down upon the worshippers of the Corpse God.

3) Commission - Fulgrim. I still squeezed in some time on my Fulgrim commission. He is so very close to completion with just a few more details. The cloak has given me plenty of trouble, but it is almost there. Just a little more time...

4) Mantic Games. A friend of mine who is the Sales Director (or something similar) for Mantic Games was in town this weekend for a trade show, and he dropped off a few sprues of the new Mantic Games Elves on my desk. I guess after the weekend I'll be starting on painting these guys up. You can find out more about Mantic and what they're up to on their blog, also new to my blog roll!

5) Blogs! There have been another recent spate of new blogs and I'm just getting around to checking them out. I have also added my mate Anthony Reynold's new blog to my blog roll, and there are probably many more to come. Keep an eye out for them as I add them.

Well there you are, another week, another looooong post. Wish me luck for the tournament, I haven't played 40k since last November ; )



  1. AfOk I have managed to stop drooling long enough to ask a question: How do you make the hatches I'm in the middle of a custom Ork Dread and Im at a lost on how to advance and your advice is highly apreciated.


  2. Hey Dave,
    Cheers for the plug! :)
    Your stuff is looking awesome as always! I'd love to see a big pic of the whole Blood Pact all together...

  3. Indeed, thanks for the plug Dave! I like the difference the smaller turret makes on your ragnarok bodies. As usual the style of chaos stars on the Usurpers works beautifully. Do you happen to have a tutorial for how you manage those great curving lines?

    Good luck to you and I'm looking forward to pictures of the Pact in action.

  4. Dave,

    Would you be willing/able to do a plasticard tank tread tutorial?

    I'm wanting to scratchbuild a Battlewagon (or two), but not sure how best to do the treads.

    Keep up the good work!

  5. The Reavers are really nice mate and I'm also very impressed with the tracks.

    Usurpers look excellent as well. I'm so envious.

    Good luck at the tourni mate.

  6. I really like your take on Leman Russ tanks. The exsisting model is very tired looking these days. I can't wait to see them painted up. Keep up the great work!

  7. I'm thinking about getting into doing a lot of scratchbuiding and I can't decide if your work inspires me to do so, or intimidates me not to...lol. I'm curious as to how you do your treads as well. Do you have a jig setup or are you doing that much "fiddly" work?

  8. Thanks very much guys for your comments!

    @woroxon - I'm a little confused. Do you mean a hatch for the top of the Dread? Looking goo BTW

    @Ant - no worries mate! An army pic is on it's way next week.

    @Rabidchild - I'll put together a tute eventually ; )

    @kingworks - same goes for the tracks.

    @Col. Corbane - thanks very much, I'll need it!

    @neko - Don't be intimidated. Practice is the key. I would suggest you start out by building boxes of all shapes and sizes. Once you're happy with how they're looking, you can really build almost anything. No jig for the tracks, just lots of fiddly work ; )


  9. Yes Dave I'm looking for inspiration on how to top the dread and after seeing your hatches I though that it could look good, but I don't have a clue on how to proceed.

  10. What's the diameter of the Dread's body?

  11. It is an empty old (screwed ones) GW paint pot, I just removed the inner part where you screw the cap.
    Yesterday by accident I placed an small flying base and it is about the same diameter.

  12. Sounds like you might have a solution. Just cut some very small squares (stacking three together) to make hinges, slap a handle (from a Russ or Chimera) on the opposite side of the hinges and call it done. Bonus points for adding rivets ; )


  13. Ok Dave thanks for your help, I managed to finish the Dread

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