Well it has been a pretty busy month. My parents were in town, visiting from Australia, for almost 4 weeks. We went to Boston for a wedding, and North Carolina's Outer Banks for a weeks vacation, and a whole lot more. I managed to squeeze in a few hours here and there, working on my Battlefoam Wild West Shootout army. I finished up ten more Infardi and ten more Blood Pact troopers.

Here are the Infardi component of my army, two squads of Infardi (Penal Legion Squads) supporting Pater Sin and his runt psykers (Psyker Battle Squad).
I only have 4 infantry models left to paint for the army, including the Standard Bearer above. The model is, of course, a crazy kitbash including parts from at least five kits. I'm really looking forward to going to town when painting this guy!
To round out my Command Squad I have the Fleet Officer and a second plasma gunner.
And to complete my Platoon Command Squad I put together this heavy flamer trooper, with his fuel tanks carried by a beaten slave.
Here's the latest idea for my list. You'll notice I have seven vehicles left to build and paint. Should be fun for the next six weeks!
• Company Command, plasma pistol, Regimental Standard, vox caster, 2 Plasmas, Fleet Officer - 130
• Psyker Battle Squad, Chimera, Camo-netting - 175
• Infantry Platoon
- Platoon command, Chimera w/two heavy flamers, vox caster, 2 flamers, heavy flamer – 120
- Infantry Squad, plasma gun, vox caster, autocannon - 80
- Infantry Squad, plasma gun, vox caster, autocannon - 80
- Infantry Squad, plasma gun, vox caster, autocannon - 80
- Infantry Squad, melta gun, vox caster, - 65
- Heavy Weapons Squad, 3 missile launchers, - 90
• Penal Legion Squad – 80
• Penal Legion Squad – 80
Fast Attack
• Hellhound, - 130
Heavy Support
• 2 Medusas – 270
• Leman Russ, lascannon, heavy bolters – 185
• Leman Russ, lascannon, heavy bolters - 185