Thursday, September 29, 2011
The 3rd Dragoons
I mentioned my British Dragoons in my Napoleonics Update post a few days back, and now I think I have enough models painted to show you my progress. Here they are, the men of the 3rd Dragoons, part of LeMarchant's Heavy Cavalry Brigade. I'll be using these devastating horsemen in our game at Adepticon next year.
Our "what if?" scenario will see them diverted from the main action to help settle things on the battle's left flank. In the actual historical battle, Le Marchant's Brigade advanced alongside Leith's 5th Division (infantry) against Maucune's Divisions of Frenchmen. Seeing over 1,000 cavalrymen approaching, the French regiments drew up into squares - the standard tactic of the time as the square formation was nigh on impregnable to cavalry charges. However, squares were horrendous formations against infantry.
Leith's infantry division tore apart the French squares with devastating volleys and Le Marchant's heavy cavalry rode in to finish off the job.
My limited research has shown an interesting thing (or at least I think it's interesting). It seems that cavalry regiments aimed to have their men mounted on horses of the same color (or at least same color by squadron). So, for my 3rd Dragoons I've chose a very dark brown. At the start of the Peninsular War, most of the heavy cavalry were mounted on black steeds, but as casualties mounted (no pun intended), other dark colored horses were brought in to fill the ranks. It also seems that musicians were mounted on grey horses, I expect to stand out from their mates and make it easier for the officers to spot them and have them signal charges, retreats, etc. My next trumpeter's horse will be a bit lighter than this one I think.
And are the final four to join this unit. Hopefully they'll be complete by the end of the weekend. Then I can get everyone based up and photographed again.
Also, these models are from Front Rank. Nice models on the whole, good detail, but they feel slightly off in the anatomy department. I think the heads might be a bit to big, but I'm sure everything will look cool once it's on the tabletop.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Might Makes Right! - Ironblaster and Failcast
Well, it took me just over two weeks of on-and-off painting to get the Ironblaster finished, and pretty much all of it was a treat! Such a great model, lots of detail, goes together wonderfully, and even broke down into a good amount of components for painting (so I could get all of the details painted).
Here are a lot of photos of various angles.
I tried something a little different with the Ogre crewman. After I'd painted his skin with the new mix of "Ogre Flesh" I thinned some Vallejo Charred Brown and worked it into some of the crevices. I also used some Secret Weapon Ruby wash around the areas where the chunks of metal are embedded in the Ogres flesh. Looks quite nice, I think.
I also did my first "red nose" on a Gnoblar. It urned out to be quite easy to do, and again, I think it worked out well. I'm not thinking about going back and re-doing it on my other 40+ Gnoblars though.
The horns that form both the hafts for the chariot parts, and the carriage for the cannon part, were the most time consuming part. Lot's of very thin striations to give it a lovely texture.
And even more texture on the many barrels around the chariot.
Rant ON
And now onto my first Failcast tale of woe. My thanks to the angry, yet amusing and sarcastic, young man who created the logo above. I'm not sure who created it, but I stole it from the House of Paincakes blog. I hope no-one minds too much.
To keep it all simple, I'll let the photos do most of the talking. Here's one shot of the assembled Firebelly. He looks pretty good here, right? Not too much wrong with him.
Well, here you can see him from a few other different angles. A hole in his thigh, the gutplate didn't fit properly, the head/left forearm/firebreath piece did not line up with the body and left gaps that required extensive putty work, the right shoulder did not line up well and required more putty, and - in the worst case of airbubbles I've seen in a long time - the butt and rear left leg were pitted with holes, lots more putty required. Not to mention the warped pieces I had to heat and reset.
Sure, I could've complained to GW, and had their excellent Customer Service team send me a new model, but I'm sick of having to do that for things that should been caught in the first place. You can't get it right all the time, that's true, but this was a model I was super excited about, and it came close to crushing my hardy enthusiasm.
Rant OFF
My enthusiasm is returning, and I hope to have this model painted up by early October. In the meantime, I'll paint up some more British Dragoons!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Napoleonics Update
Things have been a bit quiet on my Napoleonics stuff this year, but I'm getting the bug to paint some more. Here are three things of note for you to keep an eye out for:
#1 - The Guns of April
A group of friends (including me) have decided to band together and put on a historical game at Adepticon next year. Should things go well there, we might put on a game each year, who knows??? Anyway, the first game we're putting on is a "what if?" scenario based on the left flank of the Battle of Salamanca (1812). With a load of British elites facing off against French regulars, cavalry, and possibly too much artillery, we expect to see over 700 models on the table. We'll have a separate blog up soon to chart our progress. It should be lots of fun.
#2 - 1st Dragoons
With much of the British infantry already in hand (see here), I've started work on the my first unit of British Dragoons. They paint up surprisingly easily, and should look pretty cool thundering across the dusty plains of the Iberian Peninsula. Photos to come soon.
#3 - Great models available via eBay!
One of our crew, Brien Dulaney, has switched sides and is now going to be working on the French (booooooo). To fund his new endeavor he has put up a couple of his British pieces on eBay.
• The first is General Sir Lowry Cole (see the cool photo above), which can be found on eBay here.
• The second is his massive unit of 95th Rifles (cool photo below), which can be found on eBay here.
If you are interested in Napoleonic stuff and looking for a great deal, please head on over and help Brien get the money he needs to buy more French (that will then undoubtedly be ground beneath the hooves of my Dragoons) ; )
Friday, September 23, 2011
Might Makes Right! - and a Charity Walk
A couple of weeks back I mentioned I was getting going on my Ogres again, thanks to the awesome new units/miniatures recently released. Well, Operation Big Boy is underway and I figured I'd give you a break from looking at lots of little grey tanks.
Instead I'll start showing you great, big, grey Ogres!
As you can see by the photo above, my Ogres are painted in the green/grey the 2004 GW Design Studio decided on. At the time a lot of hobbyists questioned the decision, but GW had decided on a change, and likened it to the Orcs' quintessential green skin, and the recently updated Lizardmen blue skin. Lots of people ignored that, and continued painted their Ogres in caucasian skin colors. I mean, it wasn't like there was a paint color that had been released to support the change (apart from a spray can of Ogre Flesh (available only in the UK, I believe).
Anyway, I was one of the ones who accepted the challenge, mixed up batches of our own Ogre Flesh paints and cracked on. During late 2004, 2005, and early 2006 I painted over 100 Ogres worth approximately 10,000 points (thanks to characters and Rhinox riders etc.)
Imagine my confusion when the recent set of releases showed that the skin color of the Studio's 2011 Ogres were now back to their pre-2004 hue. I had a wonderful sense of "1984-dejavu" when I read through the army book and could find no mention of the skin color change or variance etc. at all. It is almost like it never happened (Haven't we always been at war with Oceania?)
So, with soooo many Ogres resplendent in their grey skin, I'm going to stick with it.
Above is a shot of my original basing, snowy patches on my "spring thaw" basing was simply done by painting a patch of Space Wolves Grey and drybrushing it with Skull White. That just won't do for this modern era. I'll talk about my new method a bit later.
On to one of the current centerpieces of my army, a Slavegiant. This guy has been recently conquered by a Tyrant, and still has a not of scars and bruises to show for it. His Gnoblar handlers are struggling to get his collar (with attached millstone) affixed before he disappears over the hills.
And here's a bit of a teaser for a big scratchbuild project I'm very keen on starting. It'll be something I haven't done in a while : )
CHARITY WALK, 24th September.
In last minute news, my daughter and I will be joining family friends of ours in a walk to support research into Apraxia of Speech, a speech disorder that prevents sufferers from being able to speak the words they want to say. Our friends, Dave and Angie, have a wonderful daughter afflicted with this disorder, so when I heard about the walk yesterday I figured joining and helping out was the least we could do.
If you have a few spare bucks kicking around that you can pitch in, head to our team page, Elsa's Angels, here and donate away. We would greatly appreciate it : )
Thursday, September 22, 2011
And another to add to the list. This one is very similar to the previous army (Schutzenkompanie) posted here. Just switch out the trucks for the Sd Kfz 251/1s
- Company HQ - 60 pts
Combat Platoons
- Schutzen Platoon - HQ w/Anti-tank rifle, 3 Schutzen squads - 265 pts
- Schutzen Platoon - HQ w/Anti-tank rifle, 3 Schutzen squads - 265 pts
- Schutzen Platoon - HQ, 3 Schutzen squads - 245 pts
Weapons Platoons
- Schutzen Machine-gun Platoon - 2 sections - 135 pts
- Schutzen Mortar Platoon - 3 sections - 180 pts
- Schutzen Infantry Gun Platoon - 65 pts
Divisional Support
- Assault Gun Platoon - Comm. plus 2 StuG A - 495 pts
- Self-propelled Infantry Gun Platoon - 135 pts
- Tank-hunter Platoon - 4 Panzerjager I - 335 pts
- Bunker Flak Platoon - 2 Bunker Flak - 450 pts
Total - 2,630 pts
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
You've seen the first two tank companies here, and here. Now I can start on the infantry companies. First up is the Schutzenkompanie. These were the best infantry in the German army, loaded onto trucks to keep up with the Blitzkrieg advance of the German armor.
- Company HQ - 45 pts
Combat Platoons
- Schutzen Platoon - HQ w/Anti-tank rifle, 3 Schutzen squads - 200 pts
- Schutzen Platoon - HQ w/Anti-tank rifle, 3 Schutzen squads - 200 pts
- Schutzen Platoon - HQ, 3 Schutzen squads - 180 pts
Weapons Platoons
- Schutzen Machine-gun Platoon - 2 sections - 135 pts
- Schutzen Mortar Platoon - 3 sections - 180 pts
- Schutzen Infantry Gun Platoon - 65 pts
Divisional Support
- Assault Gun Platoon - Comm. plus 2 StuG A - 495 pts
- Self-propelled Infantry Gun Platoon - 135 pts
- Tank-hunter Platoon - 4 Panzerjager I - 335 pts
- Bunker Flak Platoon - 2 Bunker Flak - 450 pts
Total - 2,420 pts
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Mittlere Panzerkompanie
As promised, here is the second of the army "lists" from my collection, the Early War Mittlere Panzerkompanie (or Medium Armored Company).
- 1 Panzerbefehlswagen, 2 Panzer II C (early) - 120 pts
Combat Platoons
- Mittlere Panzer Platoon - 4 Panzer IV D - 600 pts
- Panzer III Platoon - 3 Panzer III E - 390 pts
- Panzer II Platoon - 4 Panzer II C (early) - 180 pts
- Panzer II Platoon - 4 Panzer II C (early) - 180 pts
Weapons Platoons
- Leichte Platoon - 1 Panzer II C (early) and 4 Panzer I - 195 pts
Divisional Support
- Panzerschutzen Platoon - HQ, 3 Schutzen squads - 245 pts
- Bunker Flak Platoon - 2 Bunker Flak - 450 pts
Total - 2,360 pts
Three more armies to come, all using what I already have painted.
In Ogre news, I got a hold of a Golgfag, a Firebelly, and a Bragg yesterday. I was severely disappointed with the quality of the Firebelly, so once the Flames Of War posts are complete, prepare for a rare dose of vitriol on my blog.
Monday, September 19, 2011
FOW Panzergranadiers - Part 7
Another quick update for you all after another busy weekend of birthday parties, street fairs, ghost tours, and crab feasts. The things we do to keep our children entertained ; )
Above you can see my Infantry Gun Platoon, armed with the 7.5cm leIG18 light infantry guns. Their role was to advance with the infantry attack, taking out hazards like enemy machine-gun nests.
I also painted up a platoon of Panzer IV Ds for the Mittlere Panzerkompanie. For Early War, these tanks are very well equipped, boasting some of the highest armor and (tank mounted) anti-tank ratings of the period.
I also started on some Panzer 38(t)s for the Czech Panzerkompanie list. These are some tanks that will also be able to be fielded in a Mid-War list.
And finally, here is Erwin Rommel ready to invade France in 1940. I'll be able to add him to a few of the Early War German lists.
Well, I've taken a few more photos of the current collection and I'll reveal those each day this week in a new army list each time, so you get a chance to see how it could all be fielded.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Leichte Panzerkompanie
I started working on this project to see just how easy (or difficult) it could be to build up a collection of Flames Of War models that could span numerous lists and periods during the war. Well, I have been pleasantly surprised by the speed with which I've been able to assemble and paint these 15mm models. Sure, they're a lot smaller than the 28mm I'm used to so they should take less time, but I'm pleasantly surprised by just how much less time and by the techniques common to both scales.
Anyway, this is the first of a series of posts of Army Lists and accompanying photos of the models I have painted for them. First up will be a "journey" through the Blitzkrieg Early War book, starting with the Leichte Panzerkompanie.
- 1 Panzerbefehlswagen, 1 Panzer I, 2 Panzer II C (early) - 155 pts
Combat Platoons
- Leichte Platoon - 1 Panzerbefehlswagen, 2 Panzer I, 2 Panzer II C (early) - 200 pts
- Leichte Platoon - 1 Panzerbefehlswagen, 2 Panzer I, 2 Panzer II C (early) - 200 pts
- Panzer II Platoon - 5 Panzer II C (early) - 225 pts
- Panzer III Platoon - 3 Panzer III E - 390 pts
Divisional Support
- Panzerschutzen Platoon - HQ w/Anti-tank Rifle, 3 Schutzen squads - 265 pts
- Bunker Flak Platoon - 2 Bunker Flak - 450 pts
Total - 1,885 pts
Not a bad start to it all. Of course I haven't tested it on the tabletop yet. Next in the series, the Mittlere Panzerkompanie.
Monday, September 12, 2011
FOW - Panzergrenadiers Part 6
Despite a busy weekend, including a broken water main and a leaking roof, I managed to get two more platoons finished for my German Flames Of War army.
First up was the MG-34 platoon. Four bases plus a command stand. This was also the first unit I painted the Heer symbol on the helmet (right side - black, white and red shield).
The Mortar platoon is almost finished for Early War lists, just a motorcycle and sidecar to add. I also painted the Heer symbol on these guys too. Now to go back and paint it on over 100 other tiny helmets ; )
Finally, I've started work on my Ogre Ironblaster. Seems like it's going to be quite a bit of work!
Friday, September 9, 2011
FOW - Panzergrenadiers Part 5
I can't believe it was only a month ago that I started on this fun little project. I also chuckle as I type the word "little" as I now have close to 3,000 points of painted Germans for FOW (that includes the Light Panzer Company I painted last year).
Anyway, on with the latest additions. Above you can see my Company HQ, which will be good for the HQ of the Schutzenkompanie, Panzerschutzenkompanie, Kradschutzenkompanie, Infanteriekompanie, and (at a bit of a stretch) the Pionierkompanie and Liechte Pionierkompanie lists from the Blitzkrieg book. Not bad for ten guys and two bikes with sidecars ; )
If I want to upgrade my platoons from Schutzen to Panzerschutzen, I now have a dozen Sd Kfz 251/1 halftracks ready to roll! I might get back to painting the rows of seated soldiers that are supplied with the transports. I think it just adds that neat little touch.
Once I had the necessities sorted out, I moved on to the rest of the AFVs from the Motorised Rifle Company boxed army. Above are the Self-propelled Infantry Guns, the 15cm sIG33 auf Panzer Is. Try saying that three times fast. For the crew I painted their epaulette piping red, instead of the white I've used for my infantry, but more on Waffenfarbe in a different post.
The Panzerjager Is are my Early War tank hunters. As such, they have pink piping, as befits their branch of the Heer.
And finally for this batch I have an Assault Gun platoon, two Stug A assault guns and their command halftrack, an Sd Kfz 253.
You may have noticed some strange white lines across parts of my halftracks and Stugs. I added these primarily for visual contrast on the dark grey hulls. They were inspired by some tanks I saw at Historicon back in July, tanks painted by Bill Wilcox (and shown above). You can see the white stripes painted on the back of Bill's beautifully modeled and painted tanks. These were apparently used by some tank units as aerial recognition markers, with the aim of clearly showing the Luftwaffe where the friendlies were down on the ground.
I decided, rightly or wrongly (ie. with no further research) to add these to my halftracks and Stugs. I'll be going back to add them to my Panzers once I've got the rest of the collection sorted out.
So, if you've enjoyed these models so far, I know you will be blown away by checking out the miniatures in this thread from the Flames Of War forums. I was floored when I saw the detail that could be achieved on 15mm miniatures and I know that when I get to eventually doing a very researched, themed army, this will be the standard I will be aiming for. Please check it out.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
A few more Tanith for you...
And so, without further ado, here is the first platoon completed for this fun Tanith army project. Clockwise from front left you can see: The Treadfether squad (missile launchers), Meryn's Squad (including Dalin Criid), Mkvenner, 'Shoggy' Domor's Squad (including Merrt), and Rawne's command squad - including Rawne, Brostin, and Commissar Hark.

As for details, here is Major Rawne. His pose is based on a panel from an old comic strip that appeared in White Dwarf over a decade ago. I was lucky enough to be given the original artwork for this strip, and I keep it close at hand. The artwork is by Karl Kopinski!
Here's Brostin. Described as a huge, heavily tattooed, and hairy pyromaniac, I found it interesting to try to bring all those things into the one model. One his left arm and right hand, I included some fairly nasty burn scars too.
The rest of the squad are made up of a voxcaster, a specialist with grenade launcher, and a medic.
One thing I did to add a little extra detail to some of the elements of the army was cross-hatching. I put some on the gauze bandage the medic is unrolling and on the knees and lower legs of the weather-beaten Mkvenner.
In the comments for my last post I mentioned the Tanith cloaks being mostly slung or stowed. above you can see the greenstuff work I did on a variety of troopers. Below are the painted packs.
From A to G, the backpacks are from the following sources:
A - A backpack and cloak roll sculpted by me (as a bit of a time study really)
B - The small pack from Secret Weapon Miniatures
C - The small pack with cloak roll added by me
D - The comms pack from Secret Weapon Miniatures
E - The large pack from Secret Weapon Miniatures
F - The large pack with underslung cloak roll added by me
G - The small pouches that cover the back of the MaxMini Combat Armour Torsos
Finally, a commenter asked about the prone guy on this base. I thought I had a better shot of him, but here's what I've got.
To make a prone Guardsman:
• Take a pair of either Cadian or Catachan legs that do not have bent knees (or only very slight bends). I generally cut the boots off the model at the point where the boots and pants meet. This should be a very clean cut.
• Glue the legs down flat to the base you are using, then reattach the boots so they look right against the ground. In the example above his left foot is lying with instep completely flat against the ground, while his right heel is raised slightly to accommodate the slight bend of his right knee.
• Glue on the torso. Depending on your final desired pose, you may need to pack out the underside of the joint with some greenstuff (as you can see on the example above). This will give a bit of an arch, try not to make it too extreme.
• Test fit an appropriate head. Again, depending on the angle you're looking for, you may nee to trim down the front of the neck, and rebuild it with some greenstuff work.
• Add arms and weapons as desired.
I hope you like these guys. I'm excited about seeing the whole army together (in a year or two).
PS. My Ogre Kingdoms book arrived last night. Hopefully that will inspire me to shoot a bunch of my Ogres for you.
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