Saturday, December 28, 2013

The French in Egypt

It's been a pretty crazy time lately. Lots of things to build, convert, paint. Lots of different projects, but I must say I'm really enjoying painting up these models for our Guns Of April "Napoleon in Egypt" game for AdeptiCon 2014.

Above are a couple of grenadiers from the 69me Demi-Brigade de Ligne, flanking a Sergeant character from our French Infantry lists (although I'm using a converted Dromedary Corps standard bearer for this guy).  One of the interesting facts about the French expedition to Egypt in 1798 was that after the Battle of the Nile, the French suffered incredible supply issues. To address the issue of uniform resupply they redesigned it, and were forced to assign a wide variety of colors to the Demi-Brigades (there was simply not enough indigo dye available to issue uniforms in the typical French blue). These colors included: Light Green, Sky Blue, Red, Purple, Brown, Dusty Pink, and Violet.

While not many wargamers undertake the collecting of an army-sized force of the period, it's a bit of fun to tackle this aspect at a skirmish scale.

Above are three fusiliers, again from the 69me Demi-Brigade de Ligne. They are wearing the Kleber helmet of the Egyptian uniform.

And for a little change I painted these three (above) as chasseurs from the 22me Demi-Brigade de Legere.

And finally for this post, here are three of the four French Savants from Brigade Games, an excellent pack full of character. In our gaming one of these guys will accompany my Infantry force, another one will hang out with the Dromedary Corps.

Last, but not least, here's the knee pad for my Reaver Titan of Legio Crucius : )



  1. What rules would you recommend for people looking to get into historical gaming from a background of Games Workshop?

    1. That's a tough question, as there are hundreds of rulesets - some competitive, many definitely not - and there are many different periods to choose from.

      Assuming you aren't too worried about period - and you want competitive - then you're looking at sets like Flames Of War, or Warrior, or DBM/DBA. If you aren't worried about competition, then are are plenty of others to choose from.

      One of the biggest differences between GW games and historical rules is that there is a great deal more research to be done in the historical realm. If you want to play 40K you need to get the rules and a codex (plus your army of course), and you can start playing without reading anything else.

      For historical gaming you generally need to do quite a bit of research into the particular army you might want to paint/play. Very rarely will you find all the info you want/need in one place.

      So the best questions I can ask are:
      • Are you looking for competitive play?
      • Do you have a preference for historical period?
      • Are you looking for games with a similar "feel" to GW games?


  2. Definitely my favourite project of yours. Napoleon in Egypt is so badly underrepresented in the gaming world! Looking forward to seeing more!

  3. Looking great!
    Napoleon in Egypt is simply perfect for large skrirmish gaming! Brigade games range is also quite comprehensive and full of characters. Those British landing parties are fantastic for example..
    I've always said I shouldn't do it as it demands a complete new set of terrain. But this is inspiring. :-)

    1. The Brigade Games range is fantastic, but I know what you mean about the terrain concerns. I'm currently working with Alex from Ironheart Artizans to develop a range of buildings that will be great for Alexandria/Cairo. More on that as I get some samples through : )


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