A couple of weeks ago I posted a link to a tutorial I wrote about painting a Dark Eldar Warrior quickly and effectively. This tutorial was hosted by Ron at
From the Warp. You can read about it all
here. At the end of the post I mentioned I might get the chance to post up a tutorial for a Wyche. Tonight I got the chance to snap some pics of the skin and hair step-by-steps.
The first thing you need to do when painting the Wyches is go through all the steps in the Dark Eldar Warrior tutorial (which I did for this example).
Once you have the initial steps completed, you can move onto the skin:
Step One - Paint the skin with Dheneb Stone
Step Two - Wash the skin with thinned Leviathan Purple
Step Three - Highlight with thinned Dheneb Stone
Step Four - Highlight with a 50/50 mix of Dheneb Stone and Skull White
Then, once you've done a quick correction with some black paint around the edges of the skin, you can move on to the hair:
Step One - basecoat with Scab Red
Step Two - highlight strands with a 50/50 mix of Scab Red and Blood Red
Step Three - highlight with a 75/25 mix of Blood Red/Solar Macharius Orange, then a wash of Devlan Mud.
And that's basically it. The final thing I did on this model was to paint the green cables on the model's shoulder and neck. I used the same colors as I did for the glowing eyes on the DE Warrior.
I hope you enjoyed this "next stage" for the Dark Eldar painting tutorials.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a very happy and toy soldier-filled New Year!
PS. Don't forget, there's less than 24 hours to get your bids in on Alex's Emperor's Children army. This is the one that I converted for him back in February. Check out the auction