Friday, December 5, 2014

Behind those shields, boys!

You'll notice a bit of a theme over the next few months in my personal hobby posts. I'll be switching gears back and forth between building and painting units for either: a) my Death Guard, b) my Mechanicum, and c) my Solar Auxilia. The theme will, of course, be the Horus Heresy era.

Anyway, here are a the first ten of my Breacher squad that I managed to complete last weekend. I have another nine assembled, I just need to get my hands on one more, possibly the FW Breacher Marine event special (if anyone has a spare).

And I have finally put together a squad of Heavy Support Death Guard rocking the Volkite Culverins. Their Heavy 4 firepower and Deflagrate special rule will make them especially dangerous against lightly armored opponents : )



  1. Dave what happened to your inquisition diorama? We have not heard about it lately...

    And nice work with the breachers.

    1. Good question LGP : )

      It is on hold at the moment. It took a little while to get the Aquila Lander, and things kind of went off the boil. I still have all the parts I was working on, so once inspiration strikes again, I'll be good to go : )

  2. Dave, I don't have the Event Only one around (the joys of living in Tasmania), but I might be able to work you up a special shield for the leader. You simply have to answer your blasted email once in a while ;)

    1. No worries Jake, I've managed to do a trade for one. I had 19 models, so getting one model was important, rather than just a snazzy, Jake-designed shield ; )

    2. No worries at all Dave. You still need to answer that email sooner or later, though!

  3. The level of detail on those shields is incredible. Keep up the fantastic work. social media promotion agency gwalior
