Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Might Makes Right! - Completed Thundertusk

Well, it's been a little over three weeks of work (on and off) on this big boy, the longest I've spent on an Ogre model to date. Above you can see the final "accessory" I had to paint to wrap=up the Tundertusk itself. I put this poor, unfortunate snack-to-be in a Nuln uniform, a nod to my Artillery Train. I started his skin with a mix of Sombre Grey and Elf Skintone (both Vallejo paints), then highlighted up by adding more Elf Skintone.

Below you can see my painted base for the Tundertusk. It's one of the Dragon Forge 150x100 mm base blanks (to avoid the warping I've seen on a couple of GW plastic bases). You can see the pre-paint in my last post.

Each of the little "divots" in the acrylic was shaded and highlighted by hand, quite the tedious task if you ask me. A coat of gloss varnish was painted on over the top to complete the icy look.

And here is the beast in all its glory! I hope you've enjoyed watching this guy come together.



  1. Lovely painting, just not quite convinced that the ice works. I think it either needs some frost coming away from the acrylic bits or possibly adding some of the crushed glass and water effects that secret weapon supply. Dunno, just not feeling the blue.

    Thundertusk is wonderful though, almost enough to convince me that my Ogres need one rather than the Stonehorn that I have planned!

  2. Outstanding work. Nice to see him finished at last.

  3. Hi guys

    Thanks for your comments, much appreciated.

    @PirateViking - Yeah, it certainly doesn't fall into the "realistic" camp. I think it might be a concept I need to revisit a couple of times over the coming months, then perhaps try it again for the base. The Ice Blue really is too bright and needs to be toned waaay back. It'll doo for the moment though. Also, I think you should have both a Thundertusk AND a Stonehorn in your collection.


  4. Dave, I think it's a great job. love the ice going over the guy. Really nice work.

  5. Dave what a great model. I love all the small details most especially the Nuln snack, it adds alot of character. My brother loves to tie all of his armies together with each other in just this way. I like the ice effect, I would suggest showing the ice coming from the thudertusks feet more. Maybe have it cover the hoves like the Nuln soldier, that would help to show the ice is from him as I think you posted earlier was the intent.

    Great work.


  6. Love the small details ... Make it a unique piece !

  7. Actually the nonrealistic ice works for me. It gives a strong colour that isnt in the model making the whole thing pop for me.

  8. Great looking! Only think I don't like is you make it look better then what I came up with using the same material!

  9. The lighting on this photo is amazing. It really shows off the textures and colors of the miniature. new project in gwalior
