Saturday, November 6, 2010

Almost there!

So, tomorrow (Sunday Nov 7) I'll put up the whole Incursion set I've been pimping all week. To check all of my Incursion posts, click here.

So, as I draw to a close with all this Weird War 2 fun, Here are a few shots of it all in action and the resin accessories made by Fenris Games. Above you can see the board set up with the resin doors, entry points, and the generator control panels. Below you can see the set of resin objectives. Across the back row are the five generator control panels, and in the front row are (left to right) the escape hatch, Zombie pinger, Doomsday Device, and cave-in markers. All of these pieces are very nicely cast and painted up quite easily.

Below are the ten doors that are part of this auction. These cool resin pieces were not only easy to paint, but a lot of fun. The colors I use for the paint on the doors were the same as for the armor plates on Hans the Hunter: a basecoat of Vallejo's German Camo Dark Green, highlighted with Vallejo's German Fieldgrey. I loved the little "portholes" in the doors, so decided to paint them up like thick glass. A few of the surfaces were not as smooth as the others, so I used this opportunity to paint some cracked panes. I hope you like them.

And finally, the entry markers. As Incursion missions use the same board (or two, as the board is double-sided) for each mission, just swapping around the doors and objectives, it relies on varying numbers of entry points for the Germans and the Allies. Fenris Games have done a fantastic job of turning the counters you get in the boxed game into 3D resin. I really enjoyed painting these up! I think you can tell.

So, with all the resin bitz above added to the APEs, the Nazis, the zombies, the bases, and the boxed game itself, the retail value of it all unpainted is around $240. Painted it could only be more right ; )

Tell your friends, club together, and get your hands on this excellent game. I'll post the auction details once I have them all sorted.



  1. Like them? Those doors are fantastic!

  2. I am sure it gets tiresome to hear, but I would love to read a tutorial on those doors - particularly the broken glass. Simply amazing! Awesome job!

  3. Hi guys

    Thanks for the comments!

    A quick run down on the doors:

    • Primed black
    • Drybrush Tin Bitz
    • Drybrush Boltgun Metal
    • Wash with Badab Black
    • Very light drybrush of Mithril Silver
    • Paint panels with Vallejo German Cam Dark Green
    • Highlight panels with Vallejo German Fieldgrey
    • Paint rusty patches with a very thinned down Vallejo Red Leather
    (several layers of this are needed to build up the right look)
    • Paint portholes black

    The portholes weren't too complicated, I treated them the same way that GW does gems. I painted all the full glass pieces first using the following method:
    • Basecoat Regal Blue
    • highlight by adding in Skull White in successive layers as you head towards the lower left of the circle. I used about three or four layers.
    • Dot the darkest section of the Regal Blue with Skull White. As these portholes were much larger than a gem, i added two small dots.

    For the cracked glass, I started by basing the whole thing in Regal Blue, then I:
    • painted in the crack lines using Chaos Black
    • treated each separate section as a gem (or porthole) and repeated the steps above.
    • I then touched up the crack lines again with Black
    • Finally I gave the glass a coat of glass varnish.

    I hope that helps!


  4. Hi Dave - Ian from Fenris Games here. Found my way here via Jim @ Grindhouse.

    Fantastic paintwork (goes without saying) on everything - is there any chance I could pinch some of the painted resin pics? More than happy to make a donation to the charity drive in exchange :)

  5. Got to say Dave, just got into Incursion and I'm loving it. Your board and models are outstanding as usual.

    Hope the auction goes well for you.

  6. Thanks guys!

    @geronimo - Hi Ian, good to hear from you. Shoot me an email to the address in my profile (in the right hand column) and we'll get something sorted.

