Friday, September 17, 2010

For the Wolf Time!

I can't believe it's been a whole week since the last post. Busy times indeed. We're wrapping up another issue of Wargames Illustrated (WI277, the November issue), and there's always the joy of copy editing to do : )

Anyway, here's a quick look at the last Primarch model I completed, the Great Wolf Leman Russ. It took me a while to decide on the pose and parts, but in the end I took a big lead from the fantastic artwork on the cover of the yet-to-be-released "Prospero Burns", due for release in January (I think).

Here are the WIP photos.

And a few painted shots.

I hope you like him.


PS. Tomorrow is the last day of the Glen Burnie Bunker, so I'll be heading there to say my goodbyes and pay my respects. Expect a somewhat maudlin post in the next few days : (


  1. What bits did you use to create this wonderful model?

  2. Very Impressive,you should post him up on The Great Crusade
    Well done.

  3. beautiful sculpting dave, and cheers to the bunker. I must say.. how many more commissions until your finally done? I know that you have the tanith still.

  4. Holy crap!!! I soo need one for my pre-heresy SW army! Awesome work

  5. I thought the bunker had closed last weekend. Maybe I got my dates mixed up. Any idea what time you were thinking of being there?

  6. Very nice model!
    I love the colour of his hairs, and the tankard!

  7. Awesome bolt pistol . I love all hte conversions !!


  8. I'd like to note that your Russ's resemblance to Mel Gibson is terrifying.
    And sorry to hear about your LGS.

  9. My god that's amazing!

    Any plans for other Primachs in future? I'd love to see your take on Magnus the Red.

    What's that brown material I keep seeing on your models?

  10. He looks fantastic mate very characterful looks very much like the book cover!

    Why didn't make the belt bolts hanging down to earth? Gravity asked me to ask you. :D

  11. That is simply jaw dropping good. Bravo!

  12. @Khorneguy:
    That brown material is a variant of greenstuff called, appropriately, 'brownstuff'. Like greenstuff it is a 2 part modelling putty, but it dries to a much harder, less flexible consistency that can be sanded smooth, making it very useful for armour plates and such.

    awesome sculpt/scratch build! He looks really tall, how does he compare to a regular space marine?

  13. As always... I love your work.

    Sad to see Glen Burnie go... Glad I was able to say goodbye at Easter.

  14. Hi guys

    Thank you all for your comments! : )

    To answer a few questions specifically:

    @Monkey Leader - His legs and arms are Terminator bitz (with the legs heavily altered, the torso has been cut and expanded from a regular Marine torso, the head is from a Space Wolf kit, the sword (and gauntlet) are from the Chaos Knights box, and the "bolt pistol" is from the SM Scout Biker Grenade Launcher.

    @AkersMinis - How many left? About four I think (maybe five).

    @ScottR - Sad? I assume you mean the bunker closing? Tragic really : (

    @Khorneguy - No plans for more, although I think Magnus would be a lot of fun. BrothersGrimm beat me to it, brownstuff is the other putty I occasionally use, particularly for armor plates.

    @Pulse - let gravity know it's OK, Mr Russ is swinging his left arm forward, causing the belt to "fall" straight out behind the pistol, rather than hang down as it would if the arm were static ; )

    @Brothers Grimm - thanks for the bit on the brownstuff. Russ is about 40-50% taller than a standard Marine.


  15. Gravity and i have discussed this and we don't agree.

    Unless he is moving his arm forward from an unnatural angle and his arm has to be moving in a massive swing from said unnatural angle and rediciously quickly. Don't give me the "hes a primarch" tosh though!! :P

  16. @Pulse - I guess we'll just have to see if that fellow Newton drops by the conversation ; )

  17. Damn it man, all the great stuff you do and little niggly things like that you leave in your work, you should really think these bits out a bit more!

  18. I am a british soldier mate i know very well how belt ammo hangs. You say the belt ammo doesn't always hang down, yes, but it doesn't stick out in a straight line even if you move.

    Stop telling me to suck it up, i am giving you constructive crit, so you can make his movement accurate.

  19. @Pulse - I appreciate the criticism, I really do, but please check out who is posting the comment before you jump on me ; ) It was delimansabeast with the slightly aggressive comment.

    I have time before I hand it over, I'll look at making the change you've suggested.


  20. Nothing of the sort mate i am not going to have a pop at a experienced modeller now am i? I was merely pointing out something. :)

  21. No worries, just wanted to make sure ; )

    Which way do you think the belt would arc from the pistol? Would it arc back then down, or would it arc down then back (almost dragging)?


  22. I don't think anybody but Pulse thinks it looks anything but perfect. To be honest I'm not sure if he understands gravity really whatsoever.

    It is not some uber-potent force that can hold down an object against infinite force. But I can help! (see below Pulse)

    He seems like a bitter, outclassed troll to me. How anyone could nitpick something so ridiculous and then go on to say you have little problems often? What a sad, rude, obnoxious person.

    I apologize sincerely for his audacity and lack of respect, manners, and appreciation. Just know it stems entirely from jealousy and lack of dignity.

    @Pulse: Take say...a metal chain. Now I want you to hold it tightly in one hand. Now begin rotating yourself rapidly holding the chain outwards (safety first). You know what you will see? You will see a chain freaking sticking out horizontally.

    Not to mention that having items sway backwards showing motion is absolutely vital to bringing a model to life and making their movement more believable.

    Anyways, great job Dave. Anyone would be proud to have created a model of this so very high caliber, let alone the countless ones you have produced!

  23. Troll? Audacity and lack of repect what the hell are you talking about?

    Christ, if i am going to get slagged off by a bloody ott fan then whats the point. I try to help and now a chap with a "metal chain" thinks he has the anwers.

  24. Guys, please, stop it.

    I have this blog so I don't have to worry about this sort of thing on forums.

    No more comments on this topic. And I'm asking everyone to be respectful of everyone else in future comments. You don't have to agree, but there's is no need for name calling.

    I'll be deleting anymore comments of an incendiary nature.


  25. Fantastic work maybe next time a drinking horn instaed of a tankard.... but still works!

  26. @Osneros - Thanks mate. The tankard appears in a few of the images of Russ in the Collected Visions book, and was specifically requested by the client : )

  27. @davetaylor - I think your better off to have the belt moving arcing back and then down. Kinda like this badly painted pic, lol.

  28. @Pulse - thanks mate, I'l give that a go.


  29. Dave, I was surfing and found this. I won't assume you've not seen it, but in case you haven't:
    They have some AMAZING bases imho.

  30. Anyway, here's a quick look at the last Primarch model I completed, the Great Wolf Leman Russ. It took me a while to decide on the pose and parts, but in the end I took a big lead from the fantastic artwork on the cover of the yet-to-be-released "Prospero Burns", due for release in January (I think).
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