Monday, February 9, 2009

A little bit of history...

I have not been slacking, faithful reader. Merely filling my time with other pursuits. Assembling furniture for the nursery, spending a lovely weekend away with my wife, assembling Romans from Warlord Games, and last but not least, assembling another 20 Blood Pact Troopers! Rather than posting pics of these new Pacters in a primed state I thought I'd put up a few photos of my Vostroyan army, painted for the Medusa V Global Campaign in 2006.

Above is one of my Ragnarok tanks. This beast is predominantly scratchbuilt from plasticard and follows the design of the Ragnarok tank used by the Baran Siege Defenders army from GW's Epic:Armageddon range. 

I use these Ragnaroks as Leman Russ tanks and I built three bodies and six turrets. These turrets include three battle cannons, two demolisher cannons, and one twin-linked autocannon (to run as an Exterminator).

Below are the two mini tanks I built to use as Sentinels. They are based on the Sigfried scout tanks used by the Baran Siege Defenders. A lot of fun to scratchbuild!

Below are a few pics of some of my infantry. The first is my Command HQ squad. I loved painting the Standard Bearer and he is still one of my favorite models. I added a psyker to the squad, the first time I've done that since 3rd edition 40K was released. These models are just too much fun to pass up, regardless of their effectiveness in the game. The Master Vox operator is actually the loader from the Mortar team added to the vox-caster from Forgeworld's Cadian Command Squad.

This squad is my Heavy Bolter Squad attached to the Command HQ, fairly standard stuff, but I had a lot of fun with the Cities of Death building parts.

This is my first Special Weapon squad attached to the Command HQ. With two meltaguns and a demo charge, these guys are designed to sneak forward and take care of bunkers and enemy armor.

And the final squad for this update is my second Special Weapon squad, the sniper team. The two standard sniper models are great, particularly the trooper with the night-vision goggles. To create the third sniper I used one of the standard Vostroyans, lengthened his barrel, added a new scope, and put the CoD buttress behind him. This last addition was to make sure he definitely stood out from the other models that were similar.

Well, I hope you like the update. There'll be more Blood Pact later in the week, and maybe a few Romans too.


  1. Love the tanks. Great sense of style to them.

    Have they been posted on the internets before? They look vaguely familiar...

  2. very cool. I have always loved the freedom to built or use different models then what's put in the codex, I think that gives the hobby some depth. I am think about using a group of juggernauts as bikes in a ork army. that should look pretty cool
    mike at santa cruz warhammer

  3. Wow! Those models are amazing.

  4. Beautiful work as always. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I love the look of the standard bearer. The painting on the banner is amazing and is very eye catching.

  6. Hi guys

    Thank for the appreciation. The Vostroyans really are a great bunch of models, particularly the standard bearer (sculpted by Dave Thomas, sculptor of some of my favorite GW miniatures). I didn't see any real need to convert them too heavily. This meant I could go to town on the vehicles to create something "unique" for the army.

    Hopefully some more Pact is the near future!


  7. Of course I meant to say "...more Pact in the near future".

  8. Wow - I love the Ragnarok: pure old-school!

    Think my next project might just be a complete scratchbuild, and you might just have given me some great inspiration! Thanks!

    - Drax.

  9. Excellent work Dave! Are you accepting commission work?

  10. Hi tony

    I sure am. You can drop me a line at tanithtaylor at gmail dot com and we can begin talking about your project.


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I built a Ragnarok based on the WIP shots that were on GW's site once upon a time. I absolutely love this tank, and plan to build two more one of these days.

  13. WOW! Love the Ragnorak! Any chance of posting a few more pictures, different angles, maby even a few wip shots?

    Eather wqay, love your stuff.

  14. I know it has been a long time. But, on the plow you have 3 eagle pieces. What kit are they from?

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