Tuesday, January 10, 2017

BLOOD BOWL - The Black Gulf Buccaneers are now painted!

It's always a pretty cool moment when you can plonk your painted minis down in front of the camera and record that they are complete. This weekend I was able to do that with my Black Gulf Buccaneers, the third incarnation of my most favorite Blood Bowl team ever (the first was built in 1994, the second in 2002, and now this one). I'm also quite excited that I completed this project in less than four weeks (six if you include the two weeks I was away in Australia, which I don't).

Anyway, here's a look at the individuals who make up the Black Gulf Buccaneers, in numerical order:

1. The Dread Pirate Wesley - Blitzer (and Captain)
2. Gunnar Strongarm - Thrower
3. Francois D'Atant - Catcher
4. Dieter Swiftstep - Catcher

5. Da Anchor - Ogre
6. Geraud Corvus - Lineman
7. Gunther Landsing - Lineman
8. Karl Wulfen - Blitzer

9. Kristoff Zerzaust - Lineman
10. Marten Mecklenberg - Lineman
11. Pierre D'Baronet - Lineman
12. Werner One-Leg - Lineman

13. Guiseppe Veloce - Catcher
14. Black Francis - Lineman
15. Marius Stark - Thrower
16. Gregor Lowenhurz - Blitzer

There has also been a pretty good reaction to my Ogre - Da Anchor - who was pretty simply converted from an Astra Militarum Ogryn. When he's on the pitch, he's all about creating the breakthrough and holding whatever new line I need to hold. In the past he has played a pivotal role in the team.

Additionally, I've asked quite a few times about the way that  painted their black armor (as differentiated from their black trousers). Well here's a quick description:

1. Basecoat with black (in the case GW Chaos Black spray)
2. Highlight with P3 Coal Black (with has a lovely blue/green tint to it.
3. Highlight with an 80:20 mix of P3 Coal Black and VMC Light Grey
4. Highlight with a 60:40 mix of P3 Coal Black and VMC Light Grey
5. Highlight with a 40:60 mix of P3 Coal Black and VMC Light Grey
6. Highlight the very edges with VMC Light Grey
7. Glaze with AP Dark Tone
8. Highlight the very edges with VMC Light Grey

It's a fun method, and great colors to work with.



  1. Beautifully done, Dave! I'm going to have to pick up a bottle of Coal Black and experiment, I really dig the effect you're achieving with it!

  2. Replies
    1. That's a really good question. I'm going to have to go digging on my painting table to find it.

  3. Wonderful! Come join our league at Dream Wizards in Rockville. Starts tomorrow.

    1. Thanks, Tim. Sadly I don't think I'll be able to make it : (

  4. Beautiful work, Dave! Bloodbowl is the best. It's fun to add so much character to a dozen minis.

  5. Brilliant looking team, bags of character. Those two tones of black are subtle but really effective. Masterfully highlighted!

  6. They look amazing, Dave.

    Do you have any of the earlier incarnations still around?

  7. Fantastic work on them Dave! I love all the little conversions you did through the team to give them character. Having just assembled the team, I am impressed with some of the arm swaps you pulled off.
    The black armor looks awesome on them as well.

  8. Super job! They look great both individually and as a team.


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  14. The Black Gulf Buccaneers have officially hit the field in full color! After weeks of careful work, these fierce and gritty Blood Bowl team members are now beautifully painted, bringing their terrifying presence to life. Each player, from the towering blitzer to the speedy gutter runner, has been given a unique design that embodies their intimidating persona on the pitch.
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