Monday, May 20, 2013

Volsinii Imperator of Knight Household Etruia

The latest addition to the Mechanicum army is this construct. Hailing from Knight Household Etruia, this is Volsinii Imperator, piloted by Lucius Sejanus.

Quite obviously he's built from a Grey Knight Dreadknight, but with a few modifications. The most fun was curving the front plate for the cabin that holds Lucius Sejanus, that and smoothing out the putty for the top of the cabin.

I've repeated the cog/crenellation motif several times on the larger pieces of armor, should add just the right level of detail once painted.

The shock lance was fun to cobble together, and that AM symbol is from a FW titan ; )

This was the third ammo feed I had to build for the chaingun. It's not perfect by any means, but I'm satisfied right now.

Lots of detail around the back of the model too.

I hope you like it. : )



  1. Looks great - like it alot! I looked at your other posts as well - really awesome collection! Thx/Hans

  2. What, that's amazing! I love the AM shield and the drum feed the best.

  3. That is super cool! I was hoping that you'd do a knight of some variety, and this has exceeded all expectations. Beautiful work!

  4. Awesome!

    (nothing else to say about that amazing Knight)

    1. I'm glad you like him mate. I hope the paintjob works for you too ; )

  5. One is OK, a very good idea and I want to see it painted soon. Regards.

  6. Very, very awesome. How'd you make the ammo feed?

    1. Thanks Max, I'll have to do a tutorial on the ammo feed.

  7. Loving it, this is actually similar to what I want to do with my DK when I get around to my allied GK. My plan is coteaz + assasin + 2 henchmen squads + dread knight, representing an inquistor and his warband. The DK was the only flaw in the plan, as it is a GK unit, but I am planning to build a sort of sarcophagus to replace the pilot, allowing the list to remain conceptually entirely inquisitorial with no GK mucking about.

  8. Gurren Lagann, is that you? ^^

    Looking good, you should had given it a drill and then paint it red though :p

    1. I wasn't sure who you were talking about, so I hit up Google, and now I'm even less sure ; )

  9. That is stunning. It really takes me back to the old rogue trader metal epic knights in the best possible way. Id definitely include some sort of knightly heraldry in the paintscheme, even if only on a small scale.

    Cant wait to see the finished product!

    1. Thanks Phil, heraldry will key off the shield on his right shoulder, and should be echoed in the loin cloth banner not shown in these pics.

  10. That is an awesome conversion, with the perfect amounts of detail, except...the pose looks a little static and rigid. He looks kind of bored. Just my thoughts.

    1. He is quite static, I agree. This is pretty much the stock posing, primarily as I've never put one together before. I'd like to come back to another Dreadknight at some stage and do a bunch of hacking to get something more dynamic going on, but alas time was against me on this one.

  11. That is awesome. Very menacing!

    1. A big, multi-barrel gun does wonders for adding menace ; )

  12. This is brilliant, Dave! Love how you've integrated all the add ons. They blend perfectly.

  13. Very, very nice. Looking forward to see this painted up.

    The only thing about this beast I don't like is actually the shield on its right arm. The roundness of it feels way too much like tau. I'd put the ad mech symbol on a "shield-shaped" more medeival shield instead.

    1. I understand what you're saying Jeff. I've decided to keep it though, as I like the "buckler" feel of it. To make it more Imperial I've counter sunk some rivets into the rim, breaking up the smoother, Tau feel.

  14. Brilliant!!
    My favourite part is the lance - top dollar!

  15. I love seeing how this has come together after our sit down at Adepticon. The chain gun turned out awesome and the shock lance is pretty much exactly how you described it. I like how it's on a gimbal so it can pivot when he stabs. Now we need to get him and his cousin together for a Knight fight!

    1. Thanks Drew. Obviously the conversion isn't as extensive as yours, but I'm pretty happy with his relatively squat, brooding appearance. The paintjob will also help him stand out from yours, I'm struggling to avoid that great blue you used ; )

  16. Stunning work!

    I must say this blog has become one of my absolute favorites :)

    Great work mate :)
    I salute you.



  17. Awesome build!, would you be able to do a tutorial on the ammo belt, as I have some big guns on my orks, but no big ammo belts.

    1. I'll see what I can do about that tutorial this week.


  18. Very very cool. I might have asked for a tad more detail in the head area to know where to look at, but lets see it painted :)
