Saturday, December 29, 2012

Feeling the chill...

Snow Storm

Sitting here in my basement, I can feel a slight chill seeping in under the door. Although we didn't get the projected 1-3" of snow, it did snow for quite sometime. Just perfect weather for painting up these Malifaux models for my friend Thomas.

You'll have heard me mention Thomas before, whenever some laser-cutting needed to be done. He is the guy who reverse-engineered my Imperial truck design and turned it into the files you can find here. He has also helped me with loads of other stuff over the last four years. So, I finally thought I should start paying him back. To that end I'm painting up his Malifaux warband for the tourney at Adepticon. Here you can see the first nine models complete, only six more to go.

The bases are from Dragon Forge Designs, the Ice Kingdoms round-lipped bases.

Ice Gamin

Essence of Power and Wendigo

The Warband so far

I hope you like them.

I'll try to squeeze in another post before the new year, but as hectic as the last few weeks have been, I wouldn't count on it ; )  If not, I wish you all a safe celebration, and I'll see you on the other side!



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. There's Hawk Turquoise, VMC Deep Sea Blue, VMC Pale Sand, and a little P3 Morrow White in there. Fortunately the rest of the figures are less blue, and more purple and bone. : )

  2. Snow Storm is one of my favorite sculpts from the range and I've painted it recently too. You've done him justice but where's the Silent One that should be standing in front of it?

    1. Thanks Viruk, my friend didn't want the Silent One on the base, so that's what he gets ; )

  3. These are fantastic! Now I just have to learn to play the gam ;/

    1. I'm glad you like them : ) Make sure they do well at Adepticon!

  4. Bring' em on down Thomas! That makes two of us... ;-)

    But, yeah.. Those are freakin' amazing looking. Great work as always Dave! And just think about how much meat-fueled painting you can get in now!

    1. I didn't get too much time to paint yesterday John, but I certainly didn't need to eat much at all ; )

    2. I just can't believe Thomas is going back for more tonight!

  5. Those bases are perfect for the Cult of December. Storm looks outstanding. Never liked the Wendigo figure though :p. Can't wait to see Snow (the silent one that goes w/Storm) and the Ice Witch herself, Rasputina. And perfect weather for painting this crew in particular, no ;)

    1. Definitely good weather for these guys. I won't be painting up the girl that's stands infront of the Storm, but Rasputina is in the mix. : )

  6. Whether you are painting yellow or blue, you certainly have the magic touch. Outstanding painting.

  7. They look superb - and as I look at them together all I can think of is how I could use those models in a Blood Bowl team!

    1. Thanks Paul, they certainly could stand in for a team like goblins, lots of little guys and a big one to throw them ; )

  8. The great information for your blog. thank you.

  9. The Designs is very nice. it's very beautiful color combination. thank you very much..

  10. Hi,

    Snow Storm is my favorite sculpts from the range and I've painted it recently.then i have enjoy this.

  11. I won't be painting up the girl that's stands in front of the Storm.thank you

  12. Hi,
    These are fantastic! Now I just have to learn to play the game.It's very nive . thank you

  13. Hi,

    Whether you are painting yellow or blue, you certainly have the magic touch. Thank you

  14. Hi,

    Very natural painting. It's really well. Then your painting is very effective.Thank you for your information.

  15. Painting looks really awesome.Such a wonderful work..

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  16. I won't be painting up the girl that's stands in front of the Storm.The Designs is very nice. it's very beautiful color combination. thank you very much.thank you

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  19. Hi,

    Great work as always Dave! And just think about how much meat-fueled painting you can get in now! Thank you for sharing.

  20. The Designs is very nice. it's very beautiful color combination. thank you very much..Then i have learn lot of information.

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  22. I have learn some information for your's really very nice post.thank you somuch

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  26. Beautiful painting, Dave! You always have a great eye for detail. I'm impressed by how quickly you're making progress on the warband. Looking forward to seeing more updates! social media promotion agency gwalior

  27. How lucky is your friend Thomas

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  29. Sitting here in my basement, I can feel a slight chill seeping in under the door. Although we didn't get the projected 1-3" of snow, it did snow for quite sometime. Just perfect weather for painting up these Malifaux models for my friend Thomas.
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