Friday, January 27, 2012

Morr progress (pardon the pun)

Finally, some progress has been made on my Army of Morr. I threw caution to the wind and painted up the concept model for the Corpse Handlers, primarily to establish the color palette. I think it's pretty close, but might still need a few more tweaks.

In order to feel better about making headway on the 100+ models I'll need to have done by late June, I put paint to four Flagellants (there'll be 30 in all). I'm really happy with the neutral palette and the skin tones. I just need to get a few more done. Oh, and the "flames" on the torch are only temporary. Once I have all the Flagellants painted, I'll do all their torch flames and flaming brazier heads done at the same time.

And here are the next ten Flagellants ready to get their drab outfits painted : )


PS. I've put up a few more photos of my British Divisional command stand on the Guns Of April blog.


  1. These are great Dave! Loving the corpse handler has an Italian feel to it that I think fits quite well with the Morr theme - artistry and veneration.

    Have you checked out the Venetian fantasy skirmish game? it may provide some inspiration:

  2. THe Flagellants are very nice, but I love that corpse handler. The hood turned out really nice and I think the scheme has come together very nicely (love the purple touches).

  3. Truly lovely color scheme, looks bracing! I nearly wrote that you should re-do the torch's flames but then I read your description. ;)

    Keep on! Painting >100 models until mid-year is a tough task.

  4. Very excellent progress. If I may be so bold as to offer a suggestion, it's that you should keep the color scheme on the models (looks great!) but tweak the color on the bases. The use of so much white, both on model and the base, creates an "unfinished" look because of so much negative space. Perhaps a little dirt and moss on the stones would give it some extra color and distinguish it from the robes? Just a thought. - Tim

  5. Good stuff. However, I really do keep thinking "Spy vs Spy" when I see the corpse handlers, and the black and white only makes it worse:) You have seen that cartoon, no?

  6. Great looking figures as usual, the Corpse Handler is certainly a strikingly original mini. Very nice, though I see what Author is talking about with 'Spy vs Spy' :-)

  7. Hi guys

    Thanks for your comments, much appreciated.

    @TurtleTim - Good idea, I think it will be a mossy approach that I'll take with the bases once the whole army is ready.
    @Author and Hendrid - yeah, there is a resemblance. Hopefully that will be mitigated over the whole army.


  8. Absolutely love the corpse handler. He has the most character in a model I've seen in a long time.

    Ron, From the Warp

  9. Love the Corpse Handler, an amazing model with an amazing colour scheme. Though I do agree with Turtle on the base colour. This army will look amazing on the battlefield.

  10. I'm fond of this Corpse Handler!
    Really strange looking, I like the concept and the colors you used to paint it.
    The free-hand on the bottom of the frock is impressive. It doesn't look very complicated, but I think the effect is perfect!

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  12. Beautiful job on the painting! The details are amazing. You're really bringing that miniature to life. gwalior swimming pool
