The last couple of weeks have been fun on the "What's the postman going to deliver today?" front, with a few orders turning up, along with my copies of WI281 : )
First off I'll show you some stuff from Secret Weapon Miniatures. Earlier in the month I ordered some Raphael 8404 from misterjustin, along with some of is backpacks. You can see the three different types of packs below going onto the next batch of Tanith I'm working on.
From left to right you can see the small backpack, the large backpack, and the comms backpack.
They're all very nice, and will mix in well amongst the various GW packs I'll also be using.

Nice guy that he is, misterjustin also threw in a few of his very cool Oni Mask heads. Perhaps I'll have to use them for some Blood Pact models later this year? Now if someone just made backpacks like the ones I modeled for my Pact it would be much easier.
Last week I also received my order from Victoria Lamb Miniatures, in Australia. I first met Victoria many, many years ago when I lived in Adelaide, opening up the first GW store in South Australia. She's a lovely lady and one hell of a creative person. If you've got a bit of time, make sure you trawl through her website. Lots of great stuff there.
Along with the conversion parts for 45 Highlander Guardsmen, I also ordered her fantastic Imperial Noble and Billy Bagshot (Halfling Gunslinger) models. You can see the first model assembled below. I think these models will be modeled and used as an assault platoon of veterans for my Genswick army.
The final package to arrive this week was from a fledgling mini company in France. I've been emailing back and forth of the last six months or so with a former colleague who has been doing some wonderful scratchbuilding work. This work is about to see the light of day as Blight Wheel Miniatures edge ever closer to getting their webstore up and running (around late March I believe, I'll let you know once I know). Laurent is slowing building an interesting inventory for a post-apocalyptic universe. I'm looking forward to seeing more from them.
Thanks to my friendship with Stephane, Laurent was able to sell me a few early casts of the Staghound Mk4. The models are very cool, a little smaller than I was expecting, so I think I'll use them as Centaur stand-ins for my Blood Pact and fill them with nasty vets! The casts are incredibly crisp, and look like they'll be a real treat to work with.
Lots of fun on the horizon with all these great kits : )
Cool figures.
ReplyDeleteI really like the looks of the highlanders. If I were to build myself a guard army, I think I'd have to do something like that. So tired of Cadians.
ReplyDeleteHad a look through the link you posted, and i must say im loving there stuff.
ReplyDeletehave you heard how long will be til they are up and running production wise, cause i must say im lovin the idea of using those staghounds as Steg4 standing for my bloodpact sentinels.
How far along is your tanith force?
Is it playable atm or more being made as an idea grabs you?
I remember seeing Victorias works in WD over the years, both in and out of competition. I believe it was her dual of a SoB flaming the hell out of a kan or dread that got me wanting to entry golden daemon.
You sure have met your share of hobby celebs over the years i must say.
Dave, looking forward to see you paint up those highlanders. You're a brave man painting all those kilts from the Napoleonic figs too!
ReplyDeleteI bet misterjustin would let you be one of his miniature designers if you asked him. Then you could get some of your custom buts made.
ReplyDeleteThey do look rather nice along with your hole army. I do love your tanks very nicely done. I have seen the back packs from Secret Weapon Minatures but never got any as I thought they might be a bit to small, but seeing them on yours they are just right and look really cool.
ReplyDeleteHi guys
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments!
@Meph - Blight Wheel do have some nice stuff. At the moment Laurent is struggling through the bureaucracy of getting his business set up and finalized but I'll make an announcement once he's good to go. The Tanith I'm doing for an ongoing commission. This time around it's a platoon and a tread-fether squad. As for meeting hobby celebs, it's all about tracking them down ; )
@BC - thanks mate, now that I have a system for tartan it shouldn't be too bad.
@michael - I'm sure he might, let me get typing
@Dave - I think they're all a good size. I just have to add a rolled up camo cloak to them now : )