Well, as many of you might have seen, the auction for my (now former) Legio Custodes came to an end on Sunday having raised $3,800 for my two friends, John and Justin. Thank you to everyone who bid on the army, told someone about the auction, donated to Justin and John through their Paypal accounts, and sent messages of support through. Thank you everyone!
Thanks especially go to a great guy, Alec, who placed the winning bid on the army. I've spoken with him on the phone this week and I'm very excited that someone who is as passionate about 40K as I am will be taking up the mantle of "Custodian of the Custodes" (please, no janitorial jokes).
Alec is the guy behind the Apocalypse40K.com forums which are all about, you guessed it, Apocalypse gaming. In Alec's own words:
"Apocalypse40K.com is a forum for Apocalypse-sized battles in Warhammer 40,000. Some of the biggest Apocalypse groups in the country participate and discuss issues surrouding games sizes, rules, formations, DIY units and more. Battle Reports from World Record games and details on some insanely big armies are all part of this fun and informative forum."
I strongly urge those of you with a passion for the Apocalyptic to head to the forums and join in the fun.
As well as all that, Alec is donating a still-sealed-in-the-box copy of Space Hulk to be auctioned off. How cool is that? More details in the next week.
Anyway, I've been waiting a little while to show you these guys, a couple of conversions that are part of the last batch of commissions I've done. What you see below are some conversions done for a Ravenguard army. On the left is a "counts as" Sicarius. In the middle is a "counts as" Vulkan, and the metal chap is Lemartes with his Blood Angel iconography filed off. In the bottom picture you can see the feathered cloaks I did for Sicarus and Vulkan. I might have to do a quick tutorial on them.
Keen eyes will notice I have also modeled the two "counts as" characters with a style of armor first seen in the Index Astartes piece on the Imperial Fists. A member of GW France did some great conversions that have since spawned quite a few homages. One that I like a lot was done by blog reader Pulse, and his great work can be seen in this thread on Bolter & Chainsword.
These are some amazing conversions. I'm hoping to make a converted "KorvyDante" for my fledgling Ravenguard successors, and these provide some excellent inspiration. The feather cloaks in particular are a great touch! Well done!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering, what benefits do you find when switching to brown stuff over green?
Hey Dave!
ReplyDeleteGlad to see the auction went so well! I told everyone I knew about it and playing against you with that army back at that old GW Baltimore battle bunker is a fond memory for me. I have been trying to do feathered capes for a long time and have so far been unsuccessful. I would love to see a tutorial on how you do them!
Congrats on the auction. Love the feathers.
ReplyDeleteYou honour me sir, by linking my work on your blog! *bows low* :D
ReplyDeleteThe models are looking very good, i like the helmet on the left hand side a lot, and the cloak of feathers is fantastic. Very characterful indeed!
Great news on the auction mate i am very pleased the army raised that much!
Also i just noticed the tiny ravens heads on the back pack on the chap on the right, at least i think they are raven heads!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the Auction! I'm glad it went over so well.
ReplyDeleteConversions are damn cool. I'd love to know how you did those cloaks. A tutorial would be awesome!
Hi guys
@RevenantAutumn - Brownstuff cures to be much harder than greenstuff, so is better used for things that may need to be sanded/filed later, it will also hold a sharper edge, should you need one. Sometimes I'll use it for applications that greenstuff could also be used for (small details etc) if I have some leftover.
@CJ - I'll get on the tutorial soonish mate, take care.
@Pulse - you are welcome ; ) , but no, they aren't raven heads, just the brownstuff I used to re-shape the backpacks to match the new style.
Ah ok, thought i saw a touch of detailing, guess not! :D
ReplyDeleteI echo the comments made by the others, it would be good see a tutorial on the cloaks. :)
Dave, great job on the counts-as models. How did you do Vulcan's flamer hand fingers? Did you sculpt them or trim them out of a plastic piece?
ReplyDeleteHi BC
ReplyDeleteThe left hand was made from a standard "bolter gripping" hand, with the fingers pushed over so that they looked folded back. This broke the plastic a bit, so I used some putty to fill the gap and make the fingers look full and whole.
The cloaks are great! I would love to be able to do those for an eagle inspired theme army I'm doing.
ReplyDeleteDave, are you painting these or will the commissioner be doing that? Would love to see your take on RG....