So, all my plans for painting, modeling, blogging etc. went out the window this weekend when I was asked by some friends of mine in the UK to paint up a Citadel Realm of Battle gameboard from Games Workshop so they could take it to GenCon this week to show off some of their new miniatures.

I picked up the board on Friday night, primed it then, and got it painted on Saturday (around a great afternoon of grilling with old friends). On Sunday I was able to get it flocked and ready for pick-up today.
This board has come under varying levels of flak from across the hobby spectrum, primarily for the wildly increasing price on its release (originally slated at $175 before release it went through two price rises and is now $290). Due to my "change of employment" situation I never picked one up until Friday, and I must say it's a nice piece of kit.
Painting and flocking a 6' x 4' table in such a short period of time - while looking after my daughter, preparing for and hosting a party for 12 people, and attending a local production of Hamlet (thanks for a great show Phil) - was pretty amazing. The only things that weren't too smooth were the pits of skulls (cool but time-consuming) and the darker flock from the GW Terrain kit (VERY clumpy, it required several sifts through a kitchen strainer to get most of the flock to separate, again time-consuming). All in all though, this is a very cool table with a lot of potential.
The friends who'll be using it are the guys from Mantic Games. You can check out their website
here and their blog
here. Not too much info right now, but I'm sure they'll be flooded the interwebs after GenCon. I'll be painting some of their Elves soon.
I mentioned I would post a copy of the Blood Pact list I intend to take to the Battlefoam Wild West Shootout in October. Well here goes:
Blood Pact (IG) list - 1750 points
• Company Command, plasma pistol, Regimental Standard, vox caster, 2 Plasmas - 100
• Psyker Battle Squad, Chimera - 165
• Infantry Platoon
- Platoon command, vox caster, 2 flamers, platoon standard – 60
- Infantry Squad, plasma gun, vox caster, - 70
- Infantry Squad, plasma gun, vox caster, - 70
- Infantry Squad, meltagun, vox caster, - 70
- Infantry Squad, meltagun, vox caster, - 70
- Heavy Weapons Squad, 3 autocannons, - 75
- Heavy Weapons Squad, 3 missile launchers, - 90
• Penal Legion Squad – 80
• Penal Legion Squad – 80
Fast Attack
• Hellhound, - 130
Heavy Support
• 2 Medusas – 270
• Leman Russ, lascannon, heavy bolters – 185
• Leman Russ, lascannon, heavy bolters - 185
Feel free to have at it. Please remember, however, I build lists with models I like, not necessarily with those that'll kick some butt for me. I'm not in it to win, just to put in a good showing.
The arrival of the PDF is imminent. Thomas is in Arizona as I type. He'll send me the PDF once he's back in town (this weekend) then I can get it to you, faithful reader, at some stage next week.
It is less than two weeks til BoLScon, do you have your tickets yet?