Sunday, May 31, 2009

More of the Brood

Hi guys

I know you were expecting to see the tutorial for the Troop Transport Truck. That'll be coming soon. I'm thinking I might have to do it in a couple of parts OR would you prefer to see it all at once?

In the meantime I've been putting more putty on Pater Sin and his cronies. After bigred mentioned Phantasm 1 and 2 in the last thread I figured I should watch a least one of them. As I sat there and watched Phantasm 2 on cable I thought "Wow!" for two quite obvious reasons. 1) that movie is REALLY bad! and 2) my psykers do look like the little mutants in that film!

Anyway, I've put a bit more work into them and I must say that I've drawn inspiration from a couple of great sources. They are CMDante (from and his great Genestealer Hybrid blog, and Brother Sinaer and his spectacular Cenobite Servitor on his website. John Shaffer also demanded I do one mutant that has a big eye for a head!

So, here are the nine psykers.

And here is the further work on the man himself, Pater Sin. I tried out the Empire General's cherub for the "baby's" body, but it just didn't fit. Looks like it'll all be putty.

I hope you like them and thanks for your patience regarding the tutorials.



  1. Dave none of the images are clickable at the moment so its hard to see all that detail you've sculpted!
    would love to get a closer look at the disgusting little guys

  2. I really have no idea why that is. I did everything the way I usually would. Anyone wit some blog-tech savvy know how to fix that?


  3. Looking awesome.Too bad about the cherub but sculpted will probally be better looking anyhow.
    I would do the tutorial in sections that way you can be more thorugh with the pics

  4. I'm so sorry Dave. You weren't supposed to actually WATCH it. Trust me, it was a lot better in High School, with smuggled in drinks.

    Perhaps a couple of spiky chrome balls floating somewhere about Pater Sin for extra points :)

  5. Awesome work as usual. I can't add much to what has already been said, but your work have left me feeling very jealous, as usual!

  6. Sorry Dave, the Phantasm movies are typical B raters. I should have warned you, my bad. Although I must admit the guilty pleasure of liking them.

    The Broodies are looking great! I can't wit to see them finished and painted.

  7. B-grade. Man are you lenient ; )

    As soon as I saw the floating chrome balls I thought that they must of had a bigger budget. I'm wondering though which would be more expensive, special effects for floating chrome balls or paying all those little people and putting them through the horrendous make-up procress. Good thing those "robes" were cheap polyester.


  8. these look great.

    Im curious what you used for the white rock on the bases.

  9. Hi Sherbert,

    For the white rocks I used bitz from the "Concrete Rubble Mix" from Gale Force 9. It comes in chunks of various size and can actually be carved quite well. I hear it's made from actual superfine concrete.


  10. Concerning the non-working links.
    Rightclick the image and say "open image". Then change the part in the URI that reads /s320/ to /s1600-h/.

    Thats all.

    Btw: I liked your Idea so much, I used it for my Psyker Squad as well. Thank you so much for the inspiration

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