Tuesday, March 17, 2015

AdeptiCon is just around the corner!

And for the first time ever, I'll be running two hobby seminars at the show : )

Getting everything together for the seminars has been... interesting. It has certainly been a lot more work than I first originally imagined, but I'm now ready to go. I'd like to thank Warlord Games for providing the Algoryn models (from their game Beyond the Gates of Antares) for the classes (below you can see 50 of the suckers waiting for priming).

As part of the seminars, all students will receive a bottle of my "Super Secret Metallic Wash". Here you can see my daughters mixing it all carefully on a recent snow day. My thanks here go to Robert Kingery for his supply of dropper bottles for the wash : )

Here are the examples I painted up for the presentation and handout. We'll be looking at Dark Iron, Polished Steel, Brassy Brass, and Shining Gold.

Once my presentation and handout were complete, I took a few moments to get some more metallics on my Mechanicum Vorax models. I just love the evil bug feel of these guys!

Perhaps I'll see you at the show : )



  1. Those seminars sound excellent, but Adepticon is out of my budget. Will you be at Historicon this year?

    1. Hi Richard, yep, I'll be there and running the Painting Competition again too : )

      We can chat about metallics, as long as you bring some lovely entries ; )

  2. Good luck with the presentations! It quite the privilege to be presenting at such an event. Knock 'em dead.

  3. I'm excited for the big event. This will be my first year not participating in or running any events - just running demos. I'm still looking forward to it though!

  4. Just wanted to say Dave, your class was one of the best prepped of the ones I attended. Your handouts were really well done and on great paper! Not everyone notices that, but I sure did!

  5. Dave, those are some sweet looking metallics. Any chance there will be a guide available for us unlucky ones who couldn't make it to the show? The dark iron is a particular favourite.

