Thursday, April 14, 2011

Freezing French

A little while ago I posted some conversions for a unit I'm working on for an upcoming Wargames Illustrated article. The Napoleonic French are from the Perrys, with a few greenstuff additions by yours truly. You can see the original post here.

Well, I'm working through the painting process (or at least I was in the middle of it before I flew to the UK for work) and snapped a few shots of the first few stands. Above you can see the Voltiguers, spaced two to a small base as befits their "skirmisher" role. Below are is the Grenadier stand, six tall and hearty men rugged up against the start of the dangerous Russian winter. Hopefully I'll finish painting the unit by the end of next week, then I'll spend an evening or two finishing off their snowy base. I'm looking forward to seeing the vision fully realized : )



  1. Already looking just grand, and I'm looking forward to the end result.


  2. Really great paintjob. I'm keen on seeing the bases.

  3. Excellent job as usual . Can you share with us the light blue and light brown colors of the coats?

  4. Really interesting conversions,
    Look forward to seeing them on their snowy bases.

  5. Hi guys, thanks for the comments!

    @spyridon - The light brown on some of the coats and shako covers is a base of Khemri Brown, followed by a wash of Devlan Mud, then highlighted back up with Khemri Brown, then again with Vallejo Bonewhite added into the mix. For the light blue color on the scarves, use the same method above, but replace the Khemri Brown with Shadow Grey, and the Bonewhite with Space Wolves Grey.


  6. Excellent stuff, inspired! One thing though, having lived through brutally cold winters, I have trouble with the unprotected hands... The hands are one of the most likely things to freeze and fall off first. Would they have worn cloth around their hands to protect from the cold?

    Great stuff... Makes me want to stick with the Napoleonic project myself!


  7. Hi Neldoreth

    You are correct. I could have gone all out with cloth wrapped around their hands, but chose not to. My excuse (and it really is just that) is that they are still carrying quite a bit of equipment (including frying pans), so I figure it isn't too far into the retreat (certainly before the desperation of the Berezina River debacle). The snow is probably going to be one of the first big falls of the season, when they start to realize "Oh my God, we're in big trouble now!"



  8. نظافة المنزل تعتبر نظافة المنزل عاملاً أساسياً للصحة الجسدية والعقلية لأفرادها ، ولأن النظافة هي أساس الوقاية من الأمراض الناتجة عن تراكم الأوساخ والبكتيريا وتعكس صورة ونمط حياة صاحب المنزل ، تحتاج كل أسرة إلى إنشاء نظام للحفاظ على جميع تفاصيل المنزل والبقاء على اتصال مع جميع أفراد الأسرة
    عندما نتحدث عن شركة لتنظيف المنزل ، يجب أن نأخذ في الاعتبار أن الشركة تقوم بمهام متعددة داخل المنزل ، مثل: اعتني بكافة أعمال التنظيف الشامل سواء في شقتك أو في منزل مكون من عدة طوابق ، بما في ذلك جميع الغرف والحمامات والمطابخ والسلالم والجدران والأسقف والأثاث وما إلى ذلك ، ليس هذا فقط ولكن الشركة البولندية محترفة الأثاث والأرضيات والأجهزة والخزائن. ويتم كل هذا بمساعدة معدات محددة وأدوات التنظيف والتطهير لضمان التنظيف الفعال في وقت محدود.

    نظافة المنزل

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