Saturday, October 29, 2016

GENESTEALER CULT - The start of the project.

It was a busy week, so I had to wait until today to editing and process the first video for the Genestealer Cult project.

I hope you like it. Please post any questions or comments you have below : )

Sunday, October 16, 2016

DARK AGE - Here comes Mongo!

The first "miniature" that attracted me to Dark Age was this guy, Mongo. I bought him at AdeptiCon one year. My once-a-year purchase of a miniature that I had every intention of carefully assembling and then painting to the best of my ability.

It took me quite a few years to get there, but I recently finished him up for use in my games of Dark Age. I had a lot of fun, particularly with the large expanses of pale flesh - I think I'm improving on my flesh painting but these photos make the transitions look a bit more stark than they actually are.

Anyway, while I'm filming some content for the next series of projects, I thought you might like to see some more recent stuff : )

Monday, October 10, 2016

Decisions have been made!

Thanks very much for all your excellent suggestions. I'm ready to get started on a few new projects and filming some more "discussion" style videos, so that it's a bit easier to understand how I think about/plan out my projects. If you have any questions about these new projects, please click on the link below and start asking away.


PS. I hope this works ; )